
Pork loin with nectarines

15, JUL, 2016


1 kg. cut pork loin

5 medium nectarines

50 gr. of almonds

3 Sun-dried tomatoes in oil

3 dried apricots

100 ml of sweet wine.

4 fresh basil leaves

1 tsp. ground cinnamon

1 teaspoon cumin poder

Olive oil

Sal y pimienta negra recién molida

Salt and freshly ground black pepper



1. Chop the almonds in a mortar with a pinch of salt and of pepper. Add the chopped Sun-dried tomatoes and continue crushing. Repeat the operation with chopped dried apricots, basil leaves and spices.

2. Peel a nectarine and chop half fine.

3. Extend the loin on a plate and season it lightly. Impregnate it with almond mixture leaving a couple of clean centimeters on each side, spread over chopped nectarine and roll. Tie with kitchen string, return to salt and pepper lightly and leave it in the fridge a few hours.

4. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.

5. Cut the four remaining nectarines in two parts and remove the bone.

6. Heat a pan or heat source. Rub the tenderloin with a little olive oil and cook it well on all sides.

7. Put nectarines with the meat in the oven 20 to 30 minutes, until pork is done.

8. Remove from the oven and let stand 10-15 minutes wrapped in aluminum foil.

9. Put the pan with medium fire. Wet with wine and a splash of water or meat stock, and move the pan as it evaporates the alcohol so the sauce thickens. Add the juice that has released the loin in the role of aluminum.

10. Serve tenderloin cut with nectarines and sauce on top.


Font: El Comidista.
