
El hígado: una gran fuente de nutrientes.

08, JUL, 2016

The liver is a nutrient-filled food. Although it’s known to be a great enemy of the anemia, their properties are endless.

Liver is recommended in diet low in iron, and above all in the infant feeding for their high vitamin content necessary to grow and keep us healthy. Thanks to its high content in this mineral, becomes a necessary food for the formation of red blood cells that make up blood and the increase in the production of hemoglobin, thanks to which we get higher levels of energy.

The liver is good for muscles due to its oxygenating function through the myoglobin which is obtained from the iron. It is also rich in vitamin D, very important for the calcium assimilation in the bones.

For this reason eating liver is highly recommended in people who are growing and persons who habitually practice sport and want to get a strength and muscle mass increase. In addition, liver is low in fat, which is perfect in weight loss diets.

Another of its many benefits is their antioxidant power due to vitamin A, which helps maintain healthy skin and good appearance as well as improve the vision.

As you can see, eating liver is very healthy and also it’s a very versatile food that you can cook in many ways. So do not hesitate to consult us when you come to the market.

